Hansel has shown more responsibility in his written work as well as his classroom duties. I would like to commend on his great improvement in handwriting. Keep up the good job, Hansel!
Isabel has always been a very affective child, showing care and concern for her classmates. She is often looked upon as a big sister for the other children, which is good as she is an excellent role model. She also shows initiative in helping and sharing.
Darren has been a terrific buddy to our new pupil from Korea, Jeong Soo. He has really helped me in assisting Jeong Soo to follow the lesson in class and doing his work. He is also very patient in his approach.
I've given out a special 'Working Hard' Award to 2 pupils. I have noticed that they have put in extra effort in both English and Maths and have improved! They are,
- Priscilla Soh
- N Padmarupah
Congratulations to all our young accomplishers! =)
International Friendship Day...
International Friendship Day is a good way to help our pupils learn about and appreciate other cultures. Through this day, we want to nurture in our pupils the spirit of friendship and collaboration among different peoples.
Last Friday, we celebrated International Friendship Day after the Sports Day. In Kuo Chuan, every class is to adopt a country and decorate it in view of this special day. We decided on Korea, as Jeong Soo would be able to shed us some light on the Korean language as well as to involve him more actively in the class.
The children helped mainly in the colouring of pictures.
See photos below! [Click on photo for enlarged version] Enjoy!
Visit from VITAGEN...
We had an enjoyable presentation by VITAGEN yesterday. The children were treated to bottles of Vitagen which we enjoyed together in class. Check out the photos below!